Saturday, May 22, 2010

Numerology Compatibility - How A Numerology Reading Can Help Your Relationship

I think most people would agree that if you know yourself, you are more likely to have a successful and happy relationship. You have a better idea of your strengths and weaknesses, your goals in life, and what makes you happy. So how can numerology compatibility assist you?

Numerology can assist you with all the things - getting a full numerology reading is a great way to gain a lot more knowledge and insight into you as a spiritual being. You may think you know yourself well, but a numerology reading can often illuminate those areas of the soul where you may not have looked before. And the results can be enlightening, to say the least!

Once you have your own personal chart analysed, it's then time to look at that of your partners. Again, the knowledge to be found here is invaluable to your relationship, and can help smooth out those prickly issues that just don't seem to resolve themselves.

Comparing your numerological charts, you will be able to see areas where you may clash, and areas where you will compliment each other well.

Your numerology compatibility can be better understood with a free numerology reading, so why not get one today and enhance your relationship?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Numerology Meanings And Your Life Path

Did you know you can use the power of numerology meanings to find your true destiny, understand who you really are or explore who you might be most compatible with?

Numerology is a metaphysical science discovered by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. It has been used for over 2500 years as an accurate method to understand ourselves and to get a sense of what lies in the future. I use numerology in my own day to day life and the results can often be quite shocking!

All you need to know is your date of birth and your full name to start using this powerful tool. There are a few different aspects of yourself and your life you can explore with numerology meanings in your personal profile, however, here we will focus on finding your life path number and what this means.

Your life path number reveals your own special abilities and talents and can help point you in the right direction in terms of work and career. If you feel that what you are doing just doesn't feel right, knowing the numerology meanings of your life path number can help you understand why, and perhaps point you in a more fulfilling direction.

How To Find Your Life Path

To find your life path number, all you need to do is add up all the digits of your birth date until you get a single reduced number.

For example, if you were born on 4th March 1974 (4/3/1974) you would add up 4 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 = 10. Now add 1 + 0 together to get a life path number of 1. Try this for your own birth date and see what this reveals.

Number 1 Traits

- Independent, a natural leader, a pioneering spirit.

Number 2 Traits

- Seeker of balance and harmony, sensitive

Number 3 Traits

- Creative, articulate, spontaneous

Number 4 Traits

- Hard working, loyal, responsible

Number 5 Traits

- Lover of change, good at lots of things, resourceful

Number 6 Traits

- Nurturing, caring, a born counselor

Number 7 Traits

- Seeker of knowledge, spiritual, secretive

Number 8 Traits

- Authoritative, powerful, a great organizer

Number 9 Traits

- Compassionate, tolerant, a gift for healing.

Want To Know More?

Go to Numerology Meanings

Friday, April 30, 2010

Amazing Free Reading With Acclaimed Numerologist

Did you ever just want to get a personalised reading without having to search all over the web?

Numerologist Blair Gorman provides this service free of charge. All you need to do is enter your birth name and full date of birth, which will be fully analyzed and the results emailed to you.

I highly recommend taking advantage of this free report. The information sent is extremely thorough and shockingly accurate.

Get yours here!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Life Path Numbers And You!

One of the most important numbers in your numerological profile is your Life Path Number. This is because life path numbers show us what our inherent talents and abilities are in this lifetime and how we can best make the most of these.

If we are feeling unsatisfied in our work, or generally a bit lost in our lives, knowing our Life Path Number can help put us back on track and show us which direction might provide us with the most satisfaction.

For example, with a Life Path Number of 6, I am naturally drawn to the healing and nurturing type of careers. I love to counsel and teach others and I'm a bit of a home-body. So it makes sense that I have found a great deal of satisfaction in helping others by teaching numerology! Even better for me, I can do this from the comfort of my own home :)

Prior to this, I had worked as an accounts person for a large firm and I have to say I did not enjoy this one bit. The constant routine and highly structured work drove me crazy. However, those with a Life Path Number of 4 may well have enjoyed this job very much, as they find any work with exact systems and a high level of organisation to be very satisfying.

What does your Life Path Number say about you?

If you would like to find out how to work out your Life Path Number and what this means, go to numerology meanings and discover which direction may suit you best in your life!

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Your Free Numerology Report - Find Your True Self & See Your Future

Have you ever wondered about the significance of the numbers in your life? Do you know how your date of birth and your name affect your personality and even what happens in your future?

When you get a free numerology report, you discover the hidden numerology numbers that are at work in your life.

Numerology is an ancient metaphysical science that is used to not only find out more about yourself, but also as a tool to predict your future. It is a powerful way to really understand what motivates you at a deep soul level.

There are five Core Numbers in a numerology analysis. These are your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Soul Number, Personality Number and Maturity Number.

Your Life Path Number is calculated from the numbers of your birth date. It shows you which road is best for you in your life, and the special talents you have. Knowing this number can open you up the the unique opportunities in your life. To find this number, go to numerology meanings.

Your Destiny Number is calculated from the numbers of your birth name and reveals why you are here and your special mission for this lifetime. To find your Destiny Number, go here.

Your Soul Number is worked out by adding the numbers for the vowels of your birth name. It uncovers your true motivation - your real heart's desire. You can find this out at numerology name calculator.

Your Personality Number is calculated by adding together the number values of the consonants in your birth name. It reveals how others see you - or how you present yourself to the world. You can find your Personality Number by going to name numerology.

Your Maturity Number is calculated by adding together your Life Path and Destiny Numbers, and reveals what to expect in the second half of your life and how you can live to your fullest potential. You can find this here.

Numerology is a powerful tool - use it and know thyself!

Want A Full Numerology Reading & Free Numerology Report? Click Here!